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China aid welcomed by developing world

  • 2024-04-13 17:31

China has implemented more than 800 emergency humanitarian aid projects in some 40 countries and delivered emergency food aid to over 30 countries over the past six years, making it the largest provider of humanitarian assistance among developing countries.

China always lends its helping hand promptly to those suffering from humanitarian disasters as it believes that all countries live in a global village and are a community with a shared future, Li Ming, a spokesman for the China International Development Cooperation Agency, said on Friday.

Since the beginning of this year, China has provided emergency humanitarian assistance to Cuba, Zambia, Palestine, Micronesia and other countries, which effectively alleviated humanitarian crises and has been widely praised by the people of the recipient countries and the international community, Li said.

Since the outbreak of the conflict between Palestine and Israel, China has sent multiple batches of humanitarian assistance including food, medicine, medical supplies as well as cash aid to the Gaza Strip through Egypt.

Li said a new batch of 450 metric tons of rice has already arrived at Port Said in Egypt and will be delivered to Palestine soon, while another batch of 450 tons of flour will arrive in Egypt in mid-April.

Earlier this month, the first batch of emergency food aid from China arrived in Havana to help the country cope with food shortages, and was viewed as a sign of the Chinese people's friendship with the Cuban people, he said.

Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca said the assistance demonstrates the mutual help extended by the Chinese people.

Li said that China also offered cash aid to Zambia to help control cholera in the African nation, and has decided to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to Micronesia as it deals with drought and post-disaster reconstruction.

China will continue to uphold justice in the changing and turbulent world, shoulder its responsibilities and offer the utmost assistance in accordance with its capacity, he said.

China's humanitarian assistance includes short-term emergency relief supplies, cash transfers, medical rescue teams, medium and long-term post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, disaster prevention and mitigation capacity building, and migration and refugee crisis management.

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