(ECNS) -- Some U.S. politicians and media have hurled doubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises. Inflation is resulting in stagflation, with racial conflicts persisting, and political polarization deepening.
“All sorts of comments predicting the collapse of China's economy keep resurfacing every now and then, but China's economy has outlived them all," said Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, adding "What has collapsed is such rhetoric, not China's economy."
In the first half of this year, China's GDP grew by 5.5 percent year on year, notably faster than last year's 3 percent. The International Monetary Fund predicted that China's economy will grow by 5.2 percent this year, and contribute one third of the global growth.
The United States should not extend its reach into other countries, attempting to "cut off" their achievements. Instead, it should focus on tending to its own "garden" and genuinely address its own problems. It is hoped that the United States can objectively and dialectically observe China with a global perspective and long-term vision, abandoning Cold War thinking and ideological biases. Benefiting oneself will also benefit the world.
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